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Our Mission

Covid Care Network (CCN) works to improve access to care and psycho-social support of COVID-19 infected people and their family members through participatory, collective, coordinated actions by Covid winners and associates.

Who we are

A Non-government organization, structured as a framework of Covid winners and their family members along with individuals from different walks of life, physicians, health workers involved or willing to get associated in integrated COVID-19 care across the society.

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What we do

Provide support to allay anxiety, fear, stigma and ostracisation related to COVID-19 infection existing in different social crevices through a coordinated effort of dissemination of scientific information, targeting bursting of myths. This could be done through virtual platforms as well as other creative approaches.

Reach out to or respond to the needs of the COVID-19 infected right at the time of distress – as early as possible, starting with receiving the news of infected. This will be done through a 24x7 helpline. Experts and volunteers would provide advices and counsel on contextually relevant social support as well as medical matters.

Offer guidance and advice, including medical advices to the COVID-19 patients in Home Isolation facilities, through periodic contacts and monitoring.
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Risk stratify an individual based on algorithms to assess need for urgent or early hospital care and early identification of the co-morbids before they become seriously unwell.

Guide and coordinate on mainstream public sector initiatives on hospitalization, ambulance availability, and triage medical care.

Try to respond to any relevant needs of COVID-19 infected as may come up.